Costs to attend the club


It costs £10 per night to attend but the cheapest option is to enrol as a member for £40 and this covers free entry into all the Thursday nights for the entire 8 month season. We also offer half price club fees of £20 per season for Under 18s, full-time students, unemployed and those on state benefits.


Please note, if you are playing in rated tournaments, you will also need to pay either your Irish Chess Union (ICU) or your Ulster Chess Union (UCU) fees so your games can get rated. UCU membership costs £25 per season, reduced to £10 for Under 18s, full-time students, unemployed, pensioners and those on state benefits. It works out slightly cheaper for new Under 18s to join the ICU as 10 Euro equates to approximately £9. We recommend this option as it entitles you to play in FIDE tournaments throughout the whole of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.


Anyone attending the club for the very first time, is welcome to come to sample the club without paying any fees. If you enjoy it (and we’re sure you will), we can collect your season’s fees the following week. See you soon.







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